
Showing posts from 2020

Alexandra Rebelo Week 10

Heyyyy guys!! I can’t believe that this is my last day in the 10th grade..this school year passed so quickly but at the same time so slowly.. At the beginning of the year I met new people and made new friends, I had new subjects and I felt a big difference compared to other years. I think that I worked hard to achieve my goals and I also felt some pressure coming from myself to achieve them, but what is life without any pressure or adrenaline? Anyway I’m proud of myself as well as of the people around me, which makes me very happy and grateful for everything I’ve been through. My friends, family and teachers supported me a lot this school year, so it also helped me when I was sad or when something hadn’t worked out for me. It was a mix of emotions from September until now and I’m relieved to know that the school year is over, but I’m also sad because I couldn’t say goodbye to my friends and teachers personally, like I always do.   I really enjoyed sharing my weekly routine

Melissa Pocepicky Week 10

Hiii guys!!! 😄 I hope everything is fine with you, because everything is fine with me. 😄🤞 As you may have noticed, today was the last day of school, I am very happy because today (26/06/2020) our summer vacation officially begins 😆🌞 .  As I said on the other post, this summer will be different, but that doesn't mean we won't like it as much as the other ones. 😊 .  I confess that, a few days ago, there was a beautiful sun and all, but that day is a dry period for a summer day ☁ ️ ☁ ️ , but that's it.  On these summer holidays, I will study a lot because I barely had time to do it, as I was always on the computer, I did nothing but working for school, but I’ll only start on July 1st…  until there: maximum use.  These online classes were a little different from normal, I can't say that I hated it, but I also can't say I loved it, but I tried to do my best to understand the contents and in the end I think it wasn't too bad.  And…. As soon as I fi

Diana Sousa Week 10

Hello!!!       I hope everyone is okay! In this text, I will not talk about my week, I will talk about this school year. It all started when I joined a new class, where I barely knew anyone, where I was seen as "the one who comes from the problematic class". All of these factors did not favor me and prevented the approach and adaptation to the new class. I went through this difficult phase, but it was worth it, because in the end I ended up meeting incredible people who are always ready to help, but there are still hose I don't know or at least I don't speak to very often, which for me is a little strange, because despite coming from a class full of problems, it was in this class that I felt good, where we all talked, we were all together, everyone knew each other and this is for me the true meaning of "class". The fact that I don't feel truly adapted to this new group makes me a little uncomfortable, confused and sad but each one is as he/she is

Rodrigo Ferreira Week 10

This week was the last week, I had classes online and some work as usual. This week I started playing the second part of The last of us, which for me is the best game ever made for PS4. I also went running on the hill.   This was my week.   Rodrigo Ferreira

Simão Sousa Week 10

This is my last post… Hello readers! How are you? I hope that you are in good health, as I’ve been wishing since the first week. This week I finished my school works and I’m happy for this because I was starting to get tired with a lot of work. My grades will be good, I think, but next year I need to work more to have better grades. Besides school and the school works, I continue to train alone or with my brother that plays football too. I’ve started reading a book too. Its name is “Eragon” and I spend almost one hour per day reading. On Wednesday it was Benfica’s match and I also followed it on TV with my family. My heart was almost  leaving my body because I was so stressed with the game because they needed to win… but that’s not so important here. Finally, I want to thank you for keeping up with our work here on the blog for ten continuous weeks. This experience was very nice and I had fun and  improved my writing skills in English. For the last ten weeks my teacher has

Rúben Matos Week 10

Hi, guys.  So here I am another time for this last text for our blog #lifeinreverse. So, this week I made the last works that teachers had sent us and I made my self-evaluation for almost every subject, helped with the housework and, yes, it was pretty much that. I’m glad that this is the last week of online school for this year because, as I said before, I don’t like it that much and I’d rather be in classroom lessons. But as things are going, I think that in September we’ll have lessons on Zoom again, but that is just my point of view. And talking about the virus situation, things are going not so well because people, after all, can’t respect the rules and the cases are not decreasing as they should be, since  this is happening almost all over Europe. I can tell that the government is making all the efforts to stop the spreading of the virus in the country because they are making new rules to apply to Lisbon, the area where there are more registered cases per day.  But the ho

Miguel Lima Week 10

This is the last week that we have online lessons, so probably this is also the last week that I’m gonna write for this blog. This week we didn’t have much work because it's the last week. I’m really happy that this year is almost over because the end of this school year was annoying. This week I kept training every day and I also went running or walking on some days. Probably the worst part of this week was that it was really hot and we ran out of ice cream and that's not acceptable. But apart from those things, this was a good week. Miguel Lima 

Hugo Calheiros Week 10

This is the last week that I write for this blog, because it’s the last week of school, so we are about to start summer holidays, which are more than deserved. In this week I went to Viseu again because of some documents and to go shopping a little bit. Also, on other day, I went to the river with my dog because my dog loves to swim and loves water so I usually take her to have some fun in the river. Besides that I did nothing else interesting this week, I only did the school works, the last ones, and had online classes. This was my last week of this school year so this is where I say goodbye to this blog. I hope that you have enjoyed these texts about my life! See you! Hugo Calheiros     

Patrick Fraga Week 10

Dear Diary This is my last week, writing these diary pages obviously, and my last school week. Finally after a long and hard year we finally reach the end, I’m happy about the results that I got during the whole year, I hope next year I could do the same because next year will be harder than this one. Speaking about this week, basically I did the same things, I still need to finish a school work for this Thursday, and that will be the last one. I’ve already made some plans for the beginning of this summer holidays: firstly I will climb my account in League of legends to a higher rank (I couldn’t do it due to the school tasks), then eventually a new game that I was waiting for since the beginning of 2020 will be launched. About the Coronavirus, I hope the scientists will get the cure rapidly during this summer, and things won’t get worse due to the reopening of the stores and shopping centres, and I hope football will come back with games with fans. I really enjoyed writing th

Matilde Ladeira Week 10

We will be on holiday in a week!!! We are so tired of this situation. I’m so confused! ... I don’t remember what I did this week, so I think it was the same routine. I found a nest with three blackbirds. They were so cute and their mom and dad were always around, feeding them and flying to keep us away from the nest. They have already left but the nest is still there. I hope they will return next year. I’ve been practising on my guitar. I like spending some time doing it because it amuses me. This weekend my mother and I made a cake because it was my mother’s birthday. Then we spent her day with my grandparents and family. It was wonderful to be with them again. Matilde Ladeira 

André Oliveira Week 10

So, this week I had to do several tasks and I still had to worry and help prepare my brother's party that was on the 21st. It was cool and fun, despite the circumstances, and my godmother finally came here again. I was barely at home at the weekend and on Monday when I opened the mail on the computer I had almost 10 new mails and I was immediately stressed… I can't even celebrate my brother's birthday without having to worry about something, and still to make it all worse, a job that had been said to be for Wednesday, turned out to be delivered on Monday. The only thing that helped was the music, because it is incredible and I also like the way that it “affects” people. André Oliveira

Miguel Gonçalves Semana 9

Una semana para que las clases terminen y el trabajo continúe. A pesar de haber pasado el resto del año escolar en casa desde marzo, creo que no fue fácil, ya que teníamos trabajos para completar cada semana, algo que en la escuela no hice. Ahora que la escuela está terminando, aprovecharé al máximo el verano. Ya tengo algunos planes sobre qué hacer en verano, desde acampar, viajar por las montañas, ir a la playa, entre otros ... También disfrutaré del verano para estar con algunos amigos.     Miguel Gonçalves  

Guilherme Pereira Semana 9

Esta semana me dediqué a mi saxofón, toqué durante mucho tiempo y entrené piezas solicitadas por mi maestro. Estoy muy contento porque solo quedan dos semanas para terminar las clases y espero que no recibamos más trabajo de los profesores.    Guilherme Pereira  

Diogo Lameiras Semana 9

Honestamente, esta semana ha sido una sequía, no ha pasado casi nada. Fue una semana tranquila, me levanté todos los días a la misma hora, asistí a las clases, después de eso fui a hacer las tareas que faltaban y finalmente fui a ver una serie. Creo que todas estas emociones están relacionadas con el hecho de que estoy cansado de estar en casa sin poder salir. Diogo Lameiras

Miguel Gonçalves Semana 8

¡Esta semana fue increíble! Estuve con unos amigos que no veía hace mucho tiempo. Nos divertimos mucho, desde caminar, jugar y ver películas. Esta semana también comencé a ver una nueva serie y… me encanta. Además, fui a la playa otra vez, y en esta vez fui al agua. Esta estaba….helada!   Miguel Gonçalves  

Guilherme Pereira Semana 8

Esta semana decidí dedicarme a un juego de ritmo, me gusta mucho porque me encanta la música y el juego entrena mi reacción y otras habilidades. He estado jugando este juego desde 2016. Aparte de eso, fue solo una semana más con mucho trabajo, pero afortunadamente está casi terminado.  Guilherme Pereira  

Diogo Lameiras Semana 8

           Esta semana ha sido una locura, no solo en Portugal sino especialmente en los Estados Unidos. La gente salió a las calles en manifestaciones encontra el racismo, porque un policía estadounidense mató a un ciudadano negro. Pero la gente olvidó que hay un virus muy peligroso en el aire. En Lisboa, miles de personas se reunieron en el centro comercial “D. Afonso Henriques”, sin respectar las medidas de seguridad, lo que provocó un aumento de los casos de covid19. Por otro lado, ya tengo algo para entretenerme, ya que el campeonato portugués de fútbol ha regresado. Esta semana también tuvimos dos días festivos, ya los necesitábamos porque estaba cansado de tantos trabajos escolares.  Diogo Lameiras

Miguel Gonçalves Semana 7

  Ha pasado otra semana y todo ya se está acercando a la normalidad. Esta semana, además de hacer el trabajo propuesto por los profesores, vi series, vi películas, pero de todo lo que más me gustó fue ir a la playa. Ya anhelaba escuchar a las gaviotas y las olas del mar ... Me di cuenta de que la gente está haciendo todo lo posible para que esto termine rápidamente. Toda la gente siempre estaba manteniendo la distancia de seguridad, la mayoría de las personas se llevaba máscaras y no había grupos de personas. Miguel Gonçalves   

Guilherme Pereira Semana 7

Otra semana difícil en las clases “online” con mucho trabajo, pero aun así logré tener algo de tiempo para tocar el saxofón. Llevo unos años tocando este instrumento y me encanta cómo suena. Tengo clases de música a través del ordenador y también tengo mucho trabajo. porque tengo que grabar varias canciones que pide mi maestro y luego enviárselas.   Guilherme Pereira  

Diogo Lameiras Semana 7

Esta semana fue una de las mejores desde que estuve en cuarentena, ya que finalmente salí de la casa y fui con unos amigos al río. Además, luego fui a dar una vuelta en bicicleta ... sinceramente, ya no estaba acostumbrado a montar en bicicleta. Fue muy bueno…… Esta cuarentena también ha visto seis series, ahora comenzaré la séptima. Diogo Lameiras

Miguel Gonçalves Semana 6

          Esta semana, he estado muy ocupado haciendo tareas escolares. No ha sido fácil estar frente al ordenador todos los días y con el calor que hace.  Aunque estaba ocupado, todavía me tomé un tiempo para divertirme. Por primera vez este año fui a mi piscina para relajarme un poco y refrescarme, ya que hace mucho calor……! fue “la mar de divertido”!. También esta semana, junto con mi papá, fuimos a comprarme una bicicleta nueva, porque él  ha decidido regalármela. Estoy muy feliz... Miguel Gonçalves   

Guilherme Pereira Semana 6

Esta última semana tengo montado en bicicleta casi todos los días. Siempre voy con un amigo a hacer rutas aleatorias. Voy porque convivo con él fuera de la casa, hago ejercicio y relajo de mis preocupaciones.  Siempre nos detenemos en alguna tienda de ultramarinos para picar algo, uno de nosotros se pone máscaras y va a comprar, después de eso continuamos nuestro viaje. Por otro lado, estoy un poco contento porque solo tenemos más un mes de clases.  Guilherme Pereira

Diogo Lameiras Semana 6

Esta semana comenzó de la peor manera posible, ya que desde el lunes mi ordenador casi “murió”, perdiendo todo el trabajo que tenía. Por otro lado, esta semana mi abuelo pudo abrir el café. Debido al aburrimiento decidí comenzar a hacer origamis , pero resulta que soy un POCO PEREZOSO, y solo hice uno, porque da muchísimo trabajo. El problema esta semana es el terrible calor de los demonios, solo tengo ganas de nadar en el río. Diogo Lameiras

Melissa Pocepicky Week 9

Hiii!! Here I am for another post. I hope everyone is well and in good health.  I have great news to give you, do you know what it is? It's the last week of school!!!! 🥂 I am very happy to be almost on vacation to enjoy every moment with my family, because in the last weeks I spent my time in front of a computer working for school and I hardly had time for me and my family.  This summer will be a little different from the other summers but it will not stop me from enjoying it to the fullest with my family and friends 😊🎉 .  Summer started on the 20th of June and I'm also very happy because summer is my favorite season, I like the heat, I like to see the blue cloudless sky... it is so beautiful and peaceful, I also like to be on the balcony listening to music or doing other things on summer nights but what I really like to do is listen to classical music and look at the stars, this is my favorite part 🎶💕💕 .  Well and so I finish for today. See you on the next and

Alexandra Rebelo Week 9

Heyyy guys! This week I went to Viseu shopping and felt very safe there! There weren't many people, the stores were broader in terms of clothing layout, there was alcohol gel in all the stores and there was also a machine, like a food machine, where we put some coins in and chose masks or alcohol gel. Now the stores are on sale so they must be fuller kk. In the rest of the week I studied, I played the ukelele and I talked with my friends by social media. I’m almost on holiday and then I can meet my friends personally, I’m so excited, I really miss them :pp I can’t believe that the next week is the last week of my 10 th grade! It went by so quickly and with this virus situation I couldn’t even be in school...2020 is being a really strange year for all of us. Saturday was the summer solstice, I love summer soooo much. This year is going to be different from the others, but I will do everything to make it an incredible summer. And that’s it guys! I hope that you’re al

Rodrigo Ferreira Week 9

Week 9 Hi, this week I had online lessons and a lot of work. This week the new season of Fortnite came out . Finally, after a long time I saw my uncle from Lisbon, I hadn't seen him in 5 months . I also had a great dinner with my grandmother . This was my week.   Rodrigo  

André Oliveira Week 9

This week was almost always the same, but thanks to the holidays, I took a break and went to my paternal grandmother's house. As I don't have internet there, I had to see photos and so I found one that I took when it was thundering. I also took advantage of the holidays we had during the week and played with some friends at last, it was a lot of fun.  However, as we had some school work to do, we made a  call on WhatsApp and worked together.  One night, while watching an episode of a serie, I thought of making like a list of things to do during the summer holidays since, it will be difficult to go on vacation anywhere.  André Oliveira

Diana Sousa Week 9

Hello!!! This week I followed social media and the news a lot and I think it is very wrong that in the 21st century there is still prejudice. Protests against racism have been going on for a long time and  in honour of George Floyd, but this week I had time and was investigating a little more and I realized that in the century we are in, with the knowledge that is at our disposal, with the anti-prejudice laws imposed on us, racism should no longer be a topic right now! "Black lives matter" is the most heard phrase on the streets around the world right now! We are all important, we are all the same, we all deserve respect because it is not our skin color, sexual orientation, religion, the way dress, the school we attend or  the house we live in that define us, these are our values, that yes it defines who we are and that is what is important! After what happened with George Floyd , I realized that it is not enough to be not racist, we have to be anti-racist because whi

Cristiana Cruz Week 9

Hi!! Two weeks left to finish the classes and in September I will attend the 11th grade. But let's talk about this week, I finally left home in this quarantine and honestly I already knew that wearing a mask was not an easy task but it was much more difficult than I thought, I could hardly breathe and when I got home I had a huge headache.  I don't know how I will get used to it in September, I need to practice more.  One good thing this week was that now I have a new family member... a cat. He is young, small, all black and very cute… I just haven't decided his name yet... I thought about "Rony", because it remembers me of a Harry Potter character but I don't know...  So, that was my week, hope you are all fine, see you next time… Cristiana Cruz